• 13:00-16:00

    Timewarp 13:00-16:00

    • Wilné

      Wilné is a massive rock fan and you will most likely see her with her earphones plugged in. Due to being a very passionate and excitable person she is prone to fangirl. Drag queens fascinate her as she admires their talent and envy their confidence. (She is still trying to learn how to vogue). She believes that kindness is like a stone dropped into water; it has a ripple effect. It is one way she knows how to help make the world a better place. Loves being metal in a plastic society (dares to be different) and this can be heard on her show.

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MFM Kom Ons Braai Span

Hi MFM’er

So die mense wat Kom Ons Braai reel het vir MFM gekontak om te hoor of ons ‘n MFM span bymekaar kan sit. As daar 6 mense wat beskikbaar en gretis is om deel te neem kontak my asb so gou moontelik sodat ek die reelings kan tref.


MFM 92.6

January 19th, 2018

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