• 13:00-16:00

    Timewarp 13:00-16:00

    • Wilné

      Wilné is a massive rock fan and you will most likely see her with her earphones plugged in. Due to being a very passionate and excitable person she is prone to fangirl. Drag queens fascinate her as she admires their talent and envy their confidence. (She is still trying to learn how to vogue). She believes that kindness is like a stone dropped into water; it has a ripple effect. It is one way she knows how to help make the world a better place. Loves being metal in a plastic society (dares to be different) and this can be heard on her show.

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Tough Love – Dunkirk

Tough Love – Dunkirk

Oh look another war film! …

Or at least that is the first thought that comes to mind; but ladies and gents this is not the time to expect another boring film about World War II. Although some elements in ‘Dunkirk’ do feel reminiscent of the iconic films; ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and ‘Fury’; in its honest portrayal of the period and events – this is a film like no other.

What director Christopher Nolan achieves is amazing. With at least 4 separate narratives taking place at once, time jumps and some amazing special effects; every minute of the film keeps your attention without confusion. You truly begin to understand the psyche of a man at war because after every victory, another tragedy never lies far behind. You begin to doubt that there would ever be a resolution to the film and yet there is a constant air of hope.

A brutally honest portrayal of war with some amazing cinematography and stellar performances from Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance and even a debut performance from Harry Styles.

8/10 from the Detour.

Written by Marilize du Plessis

MFM 92.6

February 9th, 2018

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